Thursday, September 29, 2011
Daddy will you buy me . . . ????
A goat, Daddy??
Chickens or pigeons Daddy???
White chickens Daddy???
Look Daddy some pets even drive their owner's truck.
Please Daddy a goat???
Geese Daddy??? Cause Grandpa said you have to say okay.
When Grandma and Grandpa took me to the swap meet, they told me all the animals that were going to be there. I asked if elephants would be there. Grandma said no, all I said was shoot, shoot!
And that was our day at Jacob's Cave swap meet.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I won!
I didn't know until tonight just how much I loved goats! You see a herd of girls names Cecily Rose, Opal, Sophia, Margaret, Jemima, Beatrix, Rosebud, and Ursula were given cookies to eat. The last three cookies left were the winners of an original art work from their master Jeri Landers. Each cookie had a name on it. Mine was left!
Thank you girls!
Check out Jeri's blog she does beautiful work.
I just recently purchased this print from her.
Now I need to frame another one!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Up Up and Away . . .
. . . in my beautiful balloon!!
Only I wasn't in it. This flew over our cuckoo nest house Sunday evening. The 4 people even waved at me as I was filming them. When I called my bff (neighbor) she too wished she was in it. Maybe some day we girls will have to treat ourselves to a ride.
Now try to get that song out of your head.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Munichburg 2011
It was a gorgeous day! The weather was a little cool, but no rain. There was always a steady crowd coming by. I was so busy I hardly got out of the booth to take pictures.
These little sailors were dancing across the street from us. We had a great view of the all day entertainment, from dancers to live music.
I did get to see the old cars every time I took a trip to the porta pottys.
Here you can even catch a glimpse of our friends Pat and Melvin in their authentic German dance clothes.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
How did I ever survive without the Pioneer Woman???
This was my treat for the day - Pumpkin Pie Latte. It's not my picture, I was too busy consuming the nice fall beverage. Thanks Google for the picture. Here's the recipe from Tasty kitchen to make the syrup.
Our dinner was Marlboro Man's steak sandwich. Pioneer Woman made it on her TV show this past Saturday on Food Network. I must say I am not usually a fan of cube steak. However, when the son gives you free meat for baby sitting an adorable little girl, and two cute boys, you make lemons into lemonade. Or in my case into steak sandwiches.
I recommend both of these! thanks Pioneer Woman!
Monday, September 19, 2011
What a weekend at the Heritage Festival in Columbia, MO
It was a wet 2 days, more rain and cold on Saturday than Sunday. We had a good show and lots of great comments. I didn't get to walk around much since I am the Blacksmith's cashier. However I gave my camera to my daughter in law and she provided me with a few shots.
Our booth.
The cowboy tells his stories of life back then.
The history of the Nifong park.
The tin maker was a awesome craftsman.
The soap maker.
The Maplewood home.
Jeremy helps the boys with stilt walking.
The kids listening to the magician.
Jeremy and Lizzie
The grandsons try their hand at milking the cow.
Lizzie had her face painted.
Alex made a car.
Guess I had the last word.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Hannibal and Perry Missouri shopping
The trip in our Casita last week provided us with some fun shopping. Perry, Missouri had many antique shops, even if it took us two trips to find them all open.
We didn't buy anything at Lick Creek Antiques, but it was fun looking in there. It was an old mercantile building, tin ceiling, balconies, and all. The owner obviously loves textiles. He had some of the oldest lace, clothing, trims, and shoes I had ever seen. It was like walking into a late 1800's shop. Wonderful things!
In Perry we also found these antique fiesta ware bowls. Now if you are into fiesta ware, you will know the original colors do not match the new colors with the same name. Thank goodness, because otherwise I might have had to spend $180 on the big bowl only, to match the daughter's set. NOT!
I even found a relative's business. My grandmother Cardwell was a Hickman. I have never met this Hickman, but his brother and I have communicated via email for years. We are 3rd cousins once or twice removed, I don't know how that whole removed thing works????
Now this is what I am talking about!! Ben Franklin 5 and Dime store!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a treat it was to go up and down the isles in there.
Look at the FABRIC!
And the reproduction feed sack fabric. To die for!?!?!?!
I even found this candolier for $1 in the sidewalk sale bin.
One afternoon we went to downtown Hannibal and I came upon Hickory Stick Quilt shop.
I had been looking for this Christmas panel and they had it.
Across the street was Mark Twain's home place.
We walked into 3 area restaurants before deciding on this one. We were the only table with customers for most of our meal. In honor of my daughter and my cousin in law Rita, I had toasted ravioli.
A cobalt blue fruit bowl I found in one of the shops for $5.
The new non-electric tater masher I had been looking for came home with me.
We are really into cast iron skillets. What a set we found here! None came home with us, as we are in search of a Wagner #11, most of these were Griswold.
Remember the lamb molds that keep multiplying, this one did not make it home with us. It too was a Griswold and the price tag of $195 was way too steep for us!
Just a fun few days in Florida, Paris, Mexico, Perry, and Monroe City; all in Missouri.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
a trip to CLARK Missouri
Last week while on our mini-vacation we met up with Ms. Tammy and PW from Flat Creek Farm. The two blacksmith's had plenty to gab about while we two bloggers kept up with their pace.
Visiting Mennonite country was a delight. I failed miserably at taking pictures, I was just so intrigued with the huge houses, the school yards full of bare footed children at play, the lack of electrical lines, and their wares for sale, to be taking pictures.
One of our first stops was the produce auction. Here you can see their carts lined up to go under the pavilion to be auctioned off.
Cart after cart full of the most perfect produce.
I know I didn't get a picture of it all, but there were white pumpkins, egg plants, hardy mums, pumpkins, fresh picked apples, and so much more.
We went to two Mennonite furniture shops. This child's chair almost came home with me. If only we had room to take it. It was selling for $95, what a steal!
This quarter sawn oak TV cabinet really wanted to ride home with me. This is just what I want when our 16 year old big screen television dies.
We found a bakery selling fried hand pies. Tammy and I each bought five, in five different flavors. You think either one of us took a picture of them? Heck no, we consumed them! There were blackberry, cherry cheese, peach cream, coconut cream, and black raspberry ones. The second bakery (Yes we found another bakery) had apples ones. We saw every kind of pie you could imagine rhubarb, rhubarb strawberry, pecan, and many more including my favorite of raisin.
We passed several saw mills, stopped at a scratch, ding, and dent store, (where I found a big box of my favorite Red Rose tea bags), saw huge gardens still full of tomatoes vines that were loaded, and I even noticed most houses had ice houses.
We toured the area for several hours. We then went to Ms. Tammy's house where she made a pot of good dark roast coffee which we enjoyed with our fried pies. It was a fun filled afternoon with good friends.
We left late afternoon, bidding each other goodbye, knowing we would be seeing them the next morning at the blacksmith meeting in Shelbyville, MO.
Saturday, we met at a fellow blacksmith's shop. It was the Blacksmith Association of Missouri's meeting day. I just had to snap a picture of the adorable out house beside his shop!
Parting ways once again, Ms. Tammy gave me a dozen of her colorful eggs. No dye would be needed on Easter with these guys!
They are true soldiers, they stand at attention at all times!
Before breakfast, I was reading Karen's blog at This Old House 2, and she talked about the true way to scramble eggs. Let me tell these eggs were the best ever! It would be like comparing generic white bread to Wonder bread. You wonder how you ever lived without them.
Ms. Tammy also gave me a bottle of the homemade vanilla she made with directions from Down on the farm. Today I used it for the first time and I am addicted to it now. Thanks to my friends, Ms. Tammy, Down on the farm and this old house 2, this post is complete.
Thanks Ms. Tammy and PW for showing us all the sights of Clark, MO!