Saturday, July 28, 2007

River rats turn into stuffed pigs on Brady's 6th B-Day

Saturday morning and I was up at 7:30, why I don't know. The kids got in a little after 3:00 AM and I had been awake off and on for over an hour waiting to hear their footsteps. Sarah got up about 8:20 and took her dog outside while I feed Bentley. Then she introduced them to each other. BT got up about the same time and drank a quick couple of cups of coffee. As Sarah headed to her hair appointment, BT went to Eldon to try to buy some rusty iron at an auction.

I put off my cappuccino, fearing I'd wake up Rusty sleeping upstairs. After surfing for about an hour I went upstairs to do some sewing for Kathy and Kathy. Two repairs jobs in one week and they are both for Kathy's. Finally at 10:30 I had to go for the caffeine. BT called shortly after that and had gotten the #10 Edward Shear for only $80. What a bargain since they are going on EBay for over $300. It cost him $5 for the guy with the wrecker to load it on his trailer.

By 1:00 we had all had Bagels, coffee, juice and the morning paper so we headed for the Osage River with the boat and a cooler. The river water was a comfortable 82 degrees. Very few boats were out and finally the sun had parched us enough and we all had to get wet. I was the keeper of the boat, by holding onto the front rope. We floated for several miles. The cooler was loaded with a few beers, green tea coolers and diet coke. We headed back in about 4 pm, took showers and crashed for a few hours.

While everyone rested I called Madison's and made reservations for 6:30. BT, myself, Jeremy and the boys arrived there first. Alex was ready for the bread and butter on the table. Lori, Sarah and Rusty joined us about 15 minutes later. We ordered potato skins and Angry shrimp appetizers. The shrimp was Cajun batter fried and served with a tangy chipotle raspberry jelly. But when the waiter came he had made a mistake and gave us Shrimp Katherine which is
gulf shrimp sautéed in a heavy cream sauce with a touch of white wine and fresh garlic served with garlic toast. I was in heaven with 2 kinds of shrimp. Lori and Sarah ordered their usual, Mannicotti and baked Mosticioli. Rusty and Brady had toasted Ravioli which made me think of Rita, she always enjoyed that. I ordered Chicken Marsala, Jeremy had 16 oz of Charbroiled Prime Rib and for BT, Beef Bordlaise, being the carnivorous eaters they are. After Alex finished his bread, bread and more bread he ate chicken strips and french fries. Of course Grandpa ordered them each a scoop of ice cream since they had happy plates. The rest of us had to wobble out the front door.

We all said our goodbyes out front in the hot humid temperatures. BT and I strolled the 3 blocks of High Street checking out the Old Car show. I saw several 1957 Chevrolet's I wanted to drive home, including one black and silver convertible! Sarah and Rusty went to meet up with friends from their days at KRCG while Jeremy and Lori did some last minute shopping for the big Birthday party tomorrow. And us old folks, well here we are just each on our computer.........

82 degrees with 67% humidity

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