Monday, July 30, 2007

Too much Birthday party

I was up at 6 AM for work, after 17 years this will be my last day to get up at that hour. You see we are changing our business hours to be opening a half hour later. But tomorrow I'm off anyway so I won't try out the new hours until Wednesday.

About 8:15 I called Jeremy's cell phone and he sleepily answered, I asked if he was sick, but he told me poor little Brady got sick and threw up most all night long. I guess it's the flu bug Alex had last week. Brady wasn't even up to enjoying his new toys.

Julie and I celebrated our last hour long lunch together with to go from LaBamba. If only we could have gotten a Margarita to go.

After dinner I worked on some quilt patterns with the scanner and printer. Then I took a ride over to see little Mr No Name's new bedroom. Eric and Kathy are expecting his arrival Aug 13. BT is wanting them to hold off till his B-day August 24, but I don't think I can talk them into that. Back home I was just finishing my cappuccino when Eric and Kathy came over to see my new log bed. They then went to the shop where BT made Eric a hand forged tool to work on his traps with.

You know if rained at the Lake of the Ozarks today and not a drop here.
10:21 76 degrees and bone dry.

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