Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 18, Day 2 of Thelma and Louise

We are up by 7:00 and shower in the campsites bathhouse. Coffee was enjoyed while sitting on the top of the picnic table and watching Beagle Bob run. Back on the road again. 201 miles later we pull into John C Campbell Folk school right at 12:00. The lunch line is forming on the porch, we stand in line and wait for the bell to be rung. Bonnie and I notice, most of the crowd is much older and more gray headed then we wish to confess to.

For lunch entrée we could choose from Grilled Skirt Steak and Mesclum Salad w/Dijon and shallot vinaigrette or Roasted Chicken w/olive oil herb rub, or Ratatoullie w/goat cheese and Tabouli Salad and summer salad. Those choosing the Vegetarian Fare had Grilled Portabella Mushroom Stuffed w/ Falafel and cucumber yogurt dressing. For sides there were fresh fruit tray and assorted homemade breads and rolls. Dessert was Magic Chocolate Bars and Lemon squares. Not bad at all for our first meal here!

The auction was getting ready to started. Tim Ryan one of the 2 auctioneers told us at 10 minutes before the house, Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s now time to go pee, for we are about to start and you’ll want to be comfortable for the entire auction. 2 minutes early the bidding was on. Jan Davidson, the director of JCC told us that this year the National Geography voted JCC the number one vacation sports for adults in North Carolina. You if are lucky enough your local PBS will be picking up the story of JCC on their station soon. Look for the show titled Sing Behind the Plow.

The bidding went on for almost 3 hours. I finally bid on one of the last 5 items up there. It was a really neat leather possible bag, with a real fox head on it, and the top included a scrimshaw jaw bone. However I didn’t pursuit it as far as the lady across the room. Bonnie came and went during the auction.

Afterwards we find and room, 2C in the Keith house (aka the big house) and move our stuff up stairs. We have 6 beds in our dorm style room. We even have our own bathroom, with an extra sink outside the bathroom.

About 6:00 we head off to the town of Murphy. Upon Tim Ryan’s suggestion we ate at Doyle’s Cedar Hill Restaurant. It was a little classier then the shorts and capri’s we were wearing, but never the less that didn’t stop Thelma and Louise. After they placed the napkin in our lap, we search the menu. For me it was Coconut Shrimp and for Louise it was Shrimp Linguini. Oh and did I mention it was a little pricey? LOL

We made it back for an early lights out and crash before 9:00.

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