Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tuesday 8/14/2007

The Heat is on. Can you sing it? Now that the tune is in your head, can you ever get rid of it?

Last night BT and I walked to the lake after dinner. It was a good way to work up a sweat. Tonight after dinner we went to see Colten Scheulen who is 8 days old today. Then we went to Jeremy and Lori's to borrow room in their trash can. Brady had just gotten home from "Visit the teacher". Tomorrow is his first day of school. Boy do I feel old now. I can remember just like it was yesterday, putting his Daddy on the bus. I followed that bus all the way to school and cried the entire time. When he got off the bus Jeremy said Mom I can go by myself.

We did our walk a little later tonight, and it had cooled down. The horseflies are really bad and poor Bentley suffers the most. He goes in circles trying to get them off his back. He makes it to the lake before us and is swimming by the time we arrive.

The blacktop road we travel on at the top of the hill is being resurfaced. Today in two days they have made it from the starting point of Meta MO to past our road. It's no fun when stopped in construction, but it will be so nice when they are finished. They are doing the lane into Jefferson City first. Yesterday from our drive way to the quarry BT met 16 asphalt trucks.

I'm sitting here now enjoying my fuzzy navel, waiting for Cousin Mindy who is in Hawaii to come on line so we can talk via instant messenger for the first time. I am sure she has one eye on the approaching hurricane. Speaking of hurricanes, Hurricane Dean is stirring in the Atlantic Ocean. If it goes near North Carolina beach where I am headed in a week or so I will be pissed!

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