Friday, September 7, 2007

Back to the real world!

Now that I have the vacation blog caught up, let me bring you up to date on the week since then.

Wed. Aug 28th. Grocery shopping was first on the list, 2 weeks away a lot needed to be replenished. I had to wash my Jeep, it was filthy after sitting along in the big town of Cape Girardeau.

Thursday Aug 29th. I got to sew! Nothing makes me happier then sitting at my sewing machine. I am working on making quilted postcards that you can mail. I then went out and cut grass, not as much as I would have liked to, you see I crashed the mower. BT won't be happy with me, but then on the other hand, he's pretty use to my mower repairs. I hit a hidden tree stump and pushed the blade into the mower deck. OUCH! After BT got to looking at it, the blade actually cut into the metal deck. As usual he was a great repair man and I was back after dinner mowing what was left.

Friday Aug 30th. The day started at 7:03 when I woke up to a phone call from my sister Lona. Her 47 year old husband, Steve was having a heart attack at work. I called Mom and told her and said I would be right over to pick her up. We got there shortly before 8. Steve was conscious and talking but in pain. Brandon and Stephane came in shortly. We stayed till 10:30 when they said 5 minutes and they would have him a room. Apparently they can't tell time because it was almost noon before he got moved.

Saturday September 1st. WOW Already a new month, I wasn't ready for August to be over yet. Steve got transferred to Boone Hospital n Columbia today, after the surgeon in Jefferson City called Lona and said he would see Steve after the holiday on Tuesday. I don't blame her, the heat cath showed he had 3 complete blockages. The grandsons came over about noon. Alex went down for a nap after lunch. Brady helped Grandpa in the blacksmith shop and I ...well I got to sew for a couple of hours. Bath for the boys and then we made 5 o'clock church. The boys were pretty good. Alex liked to open the flaps on his book and announce out loud what animals was behind each door. At least I got my LaBamba fix, however I didn't for go the Margarita since I had the boys. So many choices since they have their new menus out. After dinner we stopped at Lowe's and then home. Bedtime at 9 for the little guys.

Sunday September 2nd. I left Grandpa in charge of the boys, and I picked up Mom at 10:15, and we headed to Columbia. Steve is resting well, the heart surgeon came in while we were there. Surgery will be Wednesday, due to holiday back up. He told Steve if its any consolation, he wasn't the worst one up there. If his condition worsen, surgery could be done ASAP. I didn't get home till 3:00 and Bt said it was too late to go to the river, besides it was pretty hot.

Monday September 3rd. Labor Day! We loaded up the boat and hit the river about 1:00. Jeremy, Lori and the boys came at the same time. For once the river was down enough to go to an island. We stayed out several hours and then went home to BBQ. BT and Jeremy did pork chops on the grill, while I made Mac and cheese, Rita's Green beans casserole with tomatoes, bacon, celery and onions. It was a great labor free day!

Tuesday September 4th. WORK what a bad four letter word.

Wednesday September 5th. I pick up Alex at 7:00 am, mom by 7:20, and Stephane after that. We waited at Schulte's for Brandon, Steve was already in surgery when we got to Columbia. Surgery lasted till 12:30. We got in to see him shortly before 2. Then we headed home. I stopped by the grocery store and Mom and I did a marathon shopping trip. We arrived at Jeremy and Lori's to meet the bus. Brady was so happy to see grandma there to pick him up. I take Mom and Stephane home and get back to my place to start dinner. Beef and Noodles. Buttered Broccoli and garlic bread. After dinner the boys were playing outside and Alex and Bentley collided. Alex might end up with a black eye. He cried he just wanted wanted to go to bed. Jeremy picked them up before 8.

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