Thursday, September 20, 2007

The CARDWELL'S are coming

The next few days are going to be so exciting. My Cousin Mindy Cardwell is flying in today from Hawaii. We have never met in person. She contacted my Mom several years ago while doing some family history research. Mom passed her name on to me and I contacted her. The rest is history.

Mindy, her partner Rei and Mindy's brother Dale will be here until the middle of next week. Monday we have approximately 16 second cousins meeting at 10:00 at the in Tuscumbia. After touring that we are going to several cemeteries in the area where we all share the same great grandparents William H. and Barbara Kitts Cardwell and will visit graves.

BT forged me some gnome on the range as gifts to Mindy and Dale. Here is a picture of them taking etiquette lessons from my gnome.

I am so excited I can hardly sleep, so if you don't hear from me in a few days that is why.

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