Monday, September 17, 2007

September 16, the most beautiful day in the Country

WOW was it cool sleeping last night, I’m going to have to add another blanket to the bed if this weather stays like it is. The only bad thing about the cool night is sleeping with the windows open and the coyotes crying and howling at 4:20 AM.

About 10:00 I made us some breakfast, bacon, grits, and English muffins. After that BT bought me up the spider cast iron skillet and I cleaned it up with a steel wool pad. He had been cooking it in the barn in a 5 gallon plastic bucket, using soda powders and a battery charger. It cooked all the rust off of it.

At 11:15 Brady called and said they were headed over to Osage Bend for St Margaret’s Parish Centennial Celebration. (Okay so he didn’t use all those words, but I knew what he meant) I finished getting ready and we drove the 6 miles there arriving just after the opening ceremonies. Our intention was to look around, visit for a while and go back home for the afternoon. That didn’t happen. There was so much to see and so many people to visit with.
We made our way past the trapping demonstration; they had tanned hides, all kinds of traps and literature about the process. Next was Bob and Rosie Versules with honey and honey products, onto a lady spinning and dying wool. Paul Berendzen and his wife Ann were making molasses. His son had the big Percheron horse and it was hooked to the sorghum press going round and round. There was a farrier in the corner. Soap making was being done by Darlene Wolken, Butch and Judy Braun were churning butter, sauerkraut was being cut in the kitchen and bread making was going on. Below the hall the Antique steam engine was hooked to a corn grinder. Row and row of antique tractors filled the lower hillside, cars and truck from the past were on top of the hill.

Dinners were being served by the Jefferson City American Legion team. BBQ pork steak or Fried Chicken Dinners for $7.00 with all the trimmings. A relay for life team was selling ice cream sundaes with several toppings including sprinkles which were the choice of the grandsons later in the day. History Books were for sale and I bought one. It's a beautiful hardback book and it even had Jeremy and family in it.

Inside the hall was the most wonderful displays, from antique quilts, antique wedding dresses, christening gowns, a flower girl dress over 60 years old, beautiful hats from years gone by. A living room with parlor chairs, including a feather Christmas tree with ornaments 60-80 years old, a kitchen with the old dish cabinets filled with pink and green depression glass, the alter from the old church, displays from the old general store and the school which closed in the 60’s, pictures of the gravel plant in it’s early operation, the ferry crossing the Osage River, military uniforms, old musical instruments and so much more. I took two different strolls through just trying to see it all.

In the kitchen was penny candy for sale in woven baskets, there had to of been about 30 different kinds. Brady was happy with 5 pieces and Alex just took a scoop of candy corn and a peppermint stick. Donuts, coffee, bake goods, homemade soap, fresh ground corn meal, homemade jelly and candy were just some of the items for sale. There was a counter of religious items too at a very reasonable prices, rosaries, statues, prayer books, crosses, plaques and clocks were just some of the items.

At 4 o’clock we all went to watch the Pollock tractor pull. Since I didn’t know what it was you probably won’t either? A team of 4 is chosen, at the start of the stop watch, one hops on the seat and steers the tractor while the other 3 push it across the line. The quickest team wins the trophy. I’m including a picture of the only all women team. The hillside was full of people cheering for their favorite team. Lori was the official photography for the day and was in front trying to capture the fun. She later took a group picture of some of the church members in period clothes. (See top of page)

Five o’clock the band set up on the patio behind the hall. The dance was starting. The guys were asked to bring straw bales from the fall displays across the grounds. A few chairs were also set up. When we left at 6:30, I still hadn’t seen anyone dancing, but a lot were sure tapping their feet to the music. A blue grass group had provided music earlier in the day. The closing ceremony took place in the cemetery with taps being played as the Flag was lowered.
It was such a great day, beautiful weather, no sun, overcast, good food, wonderful friends and cheap fun. We had the boys off and on all day with us there. We got to spoil them with kettle corn, penny candy and ice cream sundaes. They took a ride on the Percheron and it was the last ride they would be giving, so he took a route through the park lot. The horse got spooked and threw the boys off. Thank goodness Eric was quick to catch them both with one arm and hold onto the reins at the same time. Brady thought it was funny, but Alex had tears.

Back home, we were tired from all the fresh air, I had to finish my laundry and forgot about making the soup, it was took late for that. I relaxed with a cup of hot tea and BT had a brown water. Today we feel blessed.

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