Sunday, September 9, 2007

September 9th, Maintenances

The sun woke me up at 7:25, I tiptoed out of the room and went down stairs to call Lona. She slept like a log, she never heard Steve up during the night and the nurse was even in the room bringing a scale for him to weigh. They are hoping to go home today.

Bentley was very glad to see me because he never got out of his kennel yesterday. He obeyed my orders to sit and stay until I opened the gate and gave him the command to go. Before I fed him I opened the jeep and told him to load up and we drove to the top of the road for the big paper.

I fed him and went inside for my morning caffeine habit. BT woke up about a half hour later. After reading the paper and drinking coffee, BTwent to work on the tractor. It broke Friday evening in the rain and had to be welded. He had to get it fixed to unload his rusty metal from the sale.

Just as we sat down to eat breakfast about 10, Pat showed up, to get something out of his truck that we had not returned yet..

When it was time to return his truck, Bentley once again loaded up and rode with me over to Pat’s. He can stand and take the curves pretty good in the back. Back home I got to sew while washing the bed clothes. I am working on a paper piece block of a bride and groom for a wedding gift. I locked Bentley back in his kennel so BT could go blade Hidden Valley Road and then I mowed grass.

After all those chores were finished BT wanted to drive the road in his Jeep to see how it looked, Bentley loaded up again. So we drove to the lake and stopped at the river access, Bentley got out for a quick swim in the Osage River.

It was now time to relax on the deck with drinks and a snack. I made a plate of the cheeses we bought yesterday, added deer sausage and crackers. BT had brown water (Jack and water) and I had a wine cooler. Bentley had water and crackers with us. Ok maybe a piece of meat too.

BT went inside later to get on the Internet and I finished my sewing and a little ironing before dinner. I called Lona, she and Steve made it home early this afternoon. Both are glad to be there.

9 o’clock and it’s 75 degrees.

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