Wednesday, September 5, 2007

August 27, Day 3 of Thelma and Louise

We woke up at 7:30, quickly got dressed and hit the road. Bonnie gassed up the RV and took the wheel. 219 miles down the road, we stopped and all took pee breaks, of course Beagle Bob got his first. We then snacked a bit in the RV, it does have its advantages! My turn to drive. Beagle Bob slept most of the day. Made us wonder if he didn’t sleep well by himself in the camper last night.

We stopped in Joelton, TN and ate at Mazatlan Mexican Restaurant, but first we had Margaritas and toasted to our great trip. As we ate dinner we had the discussion, was an avocado a fruit or a vegetable? So we asked the guy at the cash register. He said I don’t know, I’ll have to google. DUH, we would too, but we are computer free and have been for 10 or 11 days. Now that I am home I did google and the answer is…..drum roll…. It's a fruit, it has a plant bearing seed which makes it a fruit. And now we all know.

As I take out of the parking lot, I turn the wrong way, Bonnie laughed at my sense of direction. (And BT would too). I drive an additional 108 miles and find a camp ground in Calvert City KY. It was Cypress Lakes RV Park. It was dark, and it was a big RV park, combination permanent mobile homes and RV’s. Nice place, pool, bath house, Laundry facilities, but just not well marked. I see a young man sitting outside, how in the dark I don’t know. But he pointed us in the right direction. We find the office closed with a note on the door, “Find a spot and pay me in the morning”. Just as we were sitting up a man in a pickup, pulling a utility trailer pulled in beside us. We quickly made our beds and crashed. After all we drove 758.6 miles today.

1 comment:

  1. I would have guessed that an avocado was a veggie! I don't know much about them because I never cook with them.

    I think it would have been scary stopped on that bridge. Now we all think of the Minn. disaster so it's double scary.

    Glad to hear you had such a good time.
