Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's a tired week and it's not even hump day yet?

Monday as soon as I got home, I threw a load of clothes in the washer. Thank goodness I had an easy dinner planned. I had cooked beef with vegetables on Saturday afternoon and all I had to do was drop homemade noodles in, and walla, Beef Noodle Soup!

After Dinner I planned to clean house, since we were gone all weekend, it was needing some much needed attention. Just as we were finishing dinner, Levi Schepers called, he and his wife wanted to stop by after they finished in town at a visitation. I quickly made a batch of Oatmeal/cornflake cookies, ran the vacuum, and cleaned up the kitchen.

Levi and Regina arrived at 7:15. Levi is a distance cousin of BT's and is 89 years young. He is as sharp as a tack. It is always fun to talk family history with them. Over coffee, cookies and ice cream, we pulled out BT's grandparent's wedding picture. Surprisingly enough, Levi knew Grandpa Bernard. This was amazing since he died 12 years before BT was born.

When the clock stuck 10, Regina said Levi we better go home, these people have to go to work tomorrow. Pretty sad when your elders have more energy then you do.

Tonight after work I picked the little boys up and brought them home with me. While I made a great German dinner of Sauerkraut cooked with creamed potatoes and link sausage, the boys waited for Grandpa.

Lori picked them up about 7:15. Brady was in the shop helping grandpa move the metal sheer. Alex and I played on the computer. Sarah called and even though she isn't feeling well (sore throat and cough) she did talk for a bit with Alex.

Sarah told me a story about sending a reporter and a photographer on a story earlier in the day. After being run off of the property where they were trying to film, the photographer was stuck 4 times by an angry man. The sheriff had to be called. Later the Newspaper office called Sarah to get the story on her reporters. No comment is what she told them. She was running the place practically, since the Station Manager was in Philadelphia.

The rest of the evening was spent doing ironing, and scrubbing the kitchen floor. Sounds like BT and I will get off early tomorrow and are planning an easy carry out dinner. We have someone coming at 5:00 to look at a gun barrel, and then someone at 7:00 to have repairs done in the blacksmith shop. I have a neighborhood meeting at 6:30.

No rest for us yet.

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