Monday, October 1, 2007

Men and their toys

If the rest of the year was like yesterday and today, I’d be tickled pink! The weather was just beautiful, cool, not too cool, a gently breeze, the falling of leaves and fall is in the air!

Yesterday we just played outside with Bentley, smoked a couple of chickens, a slab of ribs (way more then we could ever eat in two meals) and lounged around. We had left over grease from frying fish, so BT fired up the gas burner and heated the “new to us” spider cast iron skillet. Letting the oil fry for a bit will condition it more. So we fried 2 potatoes and Bentley had a little snack. We took the meat off the grill just as a few sprinkles threatened us, but no rain ever appeared.

Today it was work for us both. BT went to Popp’s Lawn and Garden and made his choice of a new chain saw. It’s a
Stihl . His saw that died Saturday came from the same store almost 24 years ago to the day. It was purchased Sept 24, 1983 for $293. The new one cost about $27 dollars more. Not bad figuring inflation today. The store has changed owners and is now owned by our good friend’s son Brian Hoelscher.

So after our spaghetti and Texas toast dinner, BT just had to try it out, in my front yard no less. You give the man one tree to trim and he goes wild; I think he did 4 before he stopped. I had to help drag the brush back past our golf course to the ditch. In the mean time my dish water was getting cold and I missed a call from Rita. She left a message that they safely got moved from the 4 inches of snow in Wyoming to Ft Collins Colorado. Did you know you can read her blog at:

I returned to the kitchen and called Rita back. She had a wild story about losing her camera when she stepped out of the truck and didn’t realize it until they were 50 miles down the road. Can you believe she was lucky enough to go back and it was still there? As I was talking to her Sarah called. So when Rita and I finished talking I called Sarah back. We usually talk on her drive home from work.

At 7:00 I feed Bentley and put him up for the night. He was more then ready to go to the kennel. We thought he felt as though he wasn’t going to get to eat after dark. We retired to the living room to watch Dancing with the Stars. About half way through cousin Mindy called from Hawaii. I had left her a message earlier in the day regarding the Cardwell’s story listed at the
Millercountymuseumpresidentspage we always have so much fun talking on the phone. And now we can reminisce about our first “in person” visit. We so enjoyed her and Rei visiting us, and then getting to meet her brother Dale too. I hope they come back real soon!

Time to close, such an exciting day traveling via phone to Colorado, Oklahoma and Hawaii, all in the comfort of my chair and with my hot tea. Thanks, girls!

9:54 PM 63.3

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