Saturday, December 15, 2007

Dec 15, 2007

I couldn't think of a title for today's posting, you see it was a sad day. Today my grandson's other grandmother was laid to rest. She suffered a stoke a week ago Friday and never pulled out of it. She was Noreen Lage, age 74 and a wonderful woman. My daughter-in-law Lori is the youngest of the 14 children Noreen had, 12 still survive. Noreen herself was one of 12 children. The strength this woman had was unbelievable, and as I heard her granddaughters tell stories of her during church, I came to know her even better. A christian woman who instilled those values in her children. All 12 children are married and doing well. May she rest in peace.

It is currently snowing and we probably have about 6 inches on the ground. BT has spent most of the evening setting up my new computer. It is totally awesome, a big screen and some really cool new features.

27 degrees and snowing ******************

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