Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Strike 2

If I get another strike tomorrow, it will be 3 and I will be out. I actually thought yesterday's strike was enough with breaking the jam jar. Today I locked my keys in the jeep at my favorite restaurant - LaBamba's.

Of course I had to have the front parking spce too, right along the street. Luckily Lona was with me in her big Dodge truck. She drove me to where I thought BT would be eating lunch. He was there and kindly drove me home to get the only spare key we have.

I am happy to report that home key now has a new home in BT's Jeep.

After my delayed grocery and shopping trip I made it home just 25 minutes before I had to go pick Brady up from the school bus.

Tonight Jeremy, Lori and the boys were here for dinner. I set the table with my red heart placemants. Little Alex noticed right away and said hearts for Valentine day! I made Chicken and Rice and those great little carmelized Brussel Sprouts along with Caesar Salad. Carrot Cake rounded out the meal.

Thank goodness I did sew a little before I went to town at 10 AM.

8:56 PM 30 degrees

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