Saturday, July 19, 2008

St Stanislaus Picnic

Sunday July 20th Serving from 11 AM to 7 PM.

Serving Country Fried chicken, Roast Beef, mashed potatoes made with real potatoes, corn, green beans, corn, coleslaw, sliced tomatoes, green peppers strips and the best yet all homemade pies!

BT and a guy preparing the beef to roast. BT cut up 19 boxes of beef. Each box weighed 43 to 58.9 lbs. (There were 16 boxs left for the next shift to cut up)

The empty boxes lined with foil awaiting the cooled beef.

Cinnamon rolls being rolled out. The dough was made the night before and stored in 20 gallon rubber maid containers. (Yes plural)
Just waiting for icing. These will be sold after all 3 masses and also in the country store.

Empty tables just waiting for you to arrive.


  1. The tables look very pretty. Is it a church pot luck?

  2. That is a lot of food! Wish I was there to help you eat some.

  3. Do you know how many people you fed?
