Monday, December 22, 2008

Quilted wallhangings are finished!

Here they are finally! Rita from Reetrving asked me to make these for her friend in MN. I put them in the mail this morning.
I also add these for Rita as a special little gift. I found the pattern on someones blog. I can't remember who's, so thank you to who ever it was.

Now I have one day to clean house and plan my meal for Christmas night. the DIL loves fried chicken instead of turkey. As do the 2 grandsons. So fried chicken it will be. That is if I remember to remind the hubby to pick the chicken up at the butcher shop on Christmas eve day. If you can fry the chicken without it ever being frozen it is so much better.

Today I finished shopping. Yeppers I bought the last two presents today. I usually have my act a little more together but this year it is lacking. Can I blame it on the economy, the election, the weather, or the fact of getting older? I don't know.

I made an old family recipe from my mother in law yesterday. It is so good. Especially since BT and I have been picking out Missouri black walnuts. If you'd like to try it here is the recipe:

Cornflake Cookies

1 cup sugar

1 cup coconut

3 cups cornflakes

3 egg whites

1 cup nuts (we used black walnuts)

Beat egg whites until stiff. Add sugar and beat. then add coconut, nuts and corn flakes. Bet well and drop on ungreased cookies sheet using a teaspoon. Bake 300 20 minutes.

So good.

8:30 pm, 24 degress and a winter storm warning has been posted!

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