Tuesday, January 27, 2009

All dressed up....

All dressed up and no place to go. Have you heard that before? That's me this morning. I got up at 6 AM, washed my hair, applied make up, got dressed, fed the dog, and was enjoying my mocha Cappuccino when my co-worker called and told me I didn't need to come in. YIPPEE!

It's 17 degrees, icy and more ice and snow is headed this way. What's a girl to do? SEW.

I will try to do another post later today. Yesterday I finished the second lap quilt for my sister. I will get some pictures and post them. I am also working on a pink and green log cabin baby quilt.

Now I'm ready to go sew..........if only I could get the husband up and out the door a little earlier.

This is what the boys hope to do later today.

So thanks Julie for giving me another day to sew!

Keep warm and safe!

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