Friday, February 6, 2009


Today according to the baby counter on the side of my blog, it's 57 days until the princess is due to arrive.

What else is 57 today? Let's see the temperature? No it got to 65 today. Could it be the price of gas? No, that's $1.79, a loaf of bread? Ha, that was many moons ago. Speaking of many moons, I was born 57 years ago tonight. At 6:16 if I remember correctly! guess I will have to dust off the birth certificate to prove that one.

I had a great birthday. I treated myself to a french manicure this morning. It really threw the little Vietnamese girl off when she took my polish off . I'm pretty sure she told her partner in their own language. "This chick has her own nails, no fake ones here".

I met Kathy for lunch at a new eatery in town called A slice of pie. I had chicken mushroom pot pie, Kathy had creme of broccoli soup and a huge homemade yeast roll. We split a slice of the pie of the month, cherry chocolate cheesecake. Yumo! Thanks Kathy for the lunch.

With an hour or two to kill before my hair appointment I went shopping. I found a pair of jeans at Penney's for $7.49 and even a Liz Claiborn shirt for $7.49. The jeans at TJ Maxx, my favorite store cost 4 times what the ones at Penney's did. At Kohl's I picked up a Valentine present for the daughter. Don't you just love their household department?

At the hair appointment I became a partial redhead again. I had red highlights for close to a year and lost them last fall. It was time to get them back.

When I arrived home, there was a package on my door step. It was a Quilting book, "Quilts for Rosie, Paper piecing patterns from the 40's. A gift from Sarah and Rusty. It was a long day in town, so the hubby grilled dinner for me. I then got in about 2 hours of quilting before retiring in the recliner.

Yesterday there was a package too on my door step. It was from Mel at Mel's own Place. It is some awesome black and white fabric and a pair of fuzzy black slippers! What a win it was for me, from her giveaway thanks Mel!

Hope you all have a great weekend! BT and I will be all alone, the son and family went to Oklahoma City to visit his sister and maybe some day son in law?!! Right Rusty?


  1. I wish I had known it was your birthday! I would have included a birthday card!


  2. What a perfect way to celebrate your birthday!

    Please do a review of that paper piecing book. Patterns from the 40's sounds interesting. Do the patterns have the seam allowances built in (I just hate when I have to cut them all apart and add the seam allowances myself) and does a CD come with it so you can change the sizes?

    I am going to get some hair highlights in a couple of weeks. I am thinking of some red, too. I had a touch of red last year, but now I want more.

    Congrats on that great win. I love black fabric. I was just working with some before I came to read your blog.

    I hope you two enjoy your weekend alone.

  3. A late Happy Birthday to you-I'm glad you had a good day!

  4. I'm a day late but Happy Birthday anyway. It sounds like it was a really, really great day! blessings, marlene
