Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two baby quilts finished!!

Here is what I've been working on. Both quilts went out of state today. They will be gifts for my daughter to give her friends. The white one goes to South Dakota, but the baby shower is in Wisconsin, after the quilt is delivered tomorrow to Oklahoma! The gold quilt will stay in Oklahoma.

Today a tornado hit in Edmond Oklahoma. That is where the daughter and her meteorologist lives. Needless to say he had a busy day at the TV station. She arrived home via detours about 5 hours after the storm hit. Thank God all is well at their home. It hit about a quarter of a mile from her house.

Now the weather is turning nasty here.


  1. What a nice mom you are!! Love the colors in each of the quilts!

    Scary about the tornadoes, I guess that time of year is coming isn't it.

  2. Oh goodness! Hopefully your daughter and family stay safe!
    Oklahomans are a brave ol bunch!
    We'll keep them in our prayers.

    Beautiful quilts!!! The recipients will be very blessed indeed!

    (oh, and Happy Belated Birthday too, with well wishes--just like grandchildren, may God grant you many more to come!) :o)

  3. A quarter mile is way, way too close. Stay safe!

  4. I love those colors. Just beautiful!
    Hope everybody stays safe out there. Your daughter has her own meteorologist?! Lucky! ;)

  5. Thank you for your heartfelt comment...and pleased that your Daughter is safe...Blessings to you Dzintra
