Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pictures are worth a thousand words

I don't think these pictures needs words. What can I say BT and I are just so taken in with these kids.
I leave you with Elizabeth sleeping, such a doll.

Wish I could take credit for thses pictures but as you know her Mommie is the professional.


  1. Oh my heavens-so so sweet! And I think those pictures are worth trillions and trillions!! I can see why you both are crazy about all three of them!

  2. OH!! I can almost smell her baby sweetness!!

    You must be over the moon!

  3. Wow! Awesome pictures - her Mom is really good. And she is so gorgeous - you can tell the boys adore her. blessings, marlene

  4. My goodness how beautiful! Fantastic photography, too!
