Friday, May 1, 2009

BAM Conference

Leaves for the Tom Clark gate.

This is the frame work of the gate.

Roundtoits by Ray Carpenter

Art Niernberger with his Power hammers.

Handmade brooms

Today is day #2 at the Blacksmith Association of Missouri annual conference in Sedalia Missouri.

The day started very early. As I was getting ready in the hotel BT went for coffee and passed on the free breakfast. We left at 7:15 for the State Fair grounds. I pulled into McDonald's
for a Mocha Coffee. BT thought the $3 plus was way too much. He was telling me that he could refill his personal cup 3 or 4 times with plain coffee for that price.

As I pulled up to the window to pay, the clerk handed me a small card. She said that lady in front of you just paid for your order. The card said: "Someone bought your meal today as a practical way of saying that God loves you! You are important to God and to us! First Baptist Church, Sedalia Mo.

WOW how nice was that! BT and I were speechless and the lady was gone. I couldn't even say thank you.

At the building I run into Mr W. You might know him from Flat Creek Farm. I gave him a gift for Mrs. W. aka Tammy. I made him promise not to tell her what it was. He later gave me lilac bushes from her and my choice of a hand made ring, made by Mrs W. You see my gift to her was for the plants. I was always told not to say thank you for a plant or they wouldn't grow. So I am giving her a handmade gift in exchange. A picture will come from me and even maybe her, in a day or two.

I leave you with pictures from the day. A COLD, wet, rainy day. Nice to be in the hotel room with a good hot shower, and a warm bed.

Mark Aspery

The boutique table

Ian Wiley

One of the beautiful buildings on the Missouri State

Fair grounds.


  1. oh, Patti, you tease :) you shouldn't have, *whatever* that item is! But Mr. W has me in such a suspense now, I may have to meet him halfway to Sedalia. Enjoy the rest of your stay - hopefully tomorrow won't be quite so wet! -tammy

  2. The little princess has something waiting for her at

  3. I had no idea that you aren't supposed to say thank you for plant starts, perhaps that's been my problem!

    How nice to have your parking and lunch paid for by an annonomous friend!

    I can't wait to see the handmade ring you got!

    Looks like you had a fun and busy time!
