Thursday, May 14, 2009

The ironing board has been revived

I hate to show you this, but my poor ironing board cover is tired, stained and has seen its better days. When paper piecing this board is my life saver. Of course it has ironed many a work shirts for BT. I am also a person that still irons all my pillow cases before they go on my bed. Oh and one more confession, I iron all of BT handkerchiefs.

The other day I eyed upholstery fabric on the mark down rack at Hobby Lobby. I passed it by the first week and the second week. But yesterday I gave in when the 54 inch fabric was marked down to $2.00 a yard. Without a measurement I just guessed at how much to buy.

Needless to say with the width of it, I probably have enough for two more covers. This is the beautiful spring like fabric I choose.

Tonight I turned the ironing board up side down on the fabric. I cut about 2 inches all the way around the board. I then got in my scrap drawer of bias tape. It took a couple pieces to make one long enough. After sewing the casing on, I went to the sausage making supplies and found cotton twine. It almost took me longer to thread the twine in then it did to sew it on.

After stretching it on tight, I have this beautiful, bright, new shiny cover!

Let the ironing begin!


  1. Pretty fabric! I usually 'think' projects like this to death, and never somehow get around to them. Great job for gettin' 'er done! :) -Tammy

  2. Very purty!

    And my mom still irons her pillow cases (and possibly the sheets)
    I'm just happy when they get washed. hee!

  3. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my "The Radiation Diet" post!

    Next time you call into the radio station for Betsy at the Movies let me know it's you!!! you ever get to JC?? We could meet for lunch one day!! That would be awesome!!!! :)

    By the way, I LOVE your new ironing board cover...and I also iron all my pillow's a sickness! :) I wish I could sew!!!!

  4. I love the ironing board cover. I don't iron my pillowcases but ironed many of them when I was a kid, sprinkling them with the coke bottle with the stopper thing in it. I had to look up where Osage Bluff was, we live just east of the Kansas line in Hume, MO
