Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday bathrooms

Kelly is once again hosting show your house Friday. I really can't believe I am showing the world my bathroom. Actually we have 4 in our house. I feel one to show the public is plenty. I wish I had a picture of our cute little outhouse at deer camp. However that picture is before digital cameras and not on the computer. If I'd take the time to go through my 12 shoe boxes of pictures, I might find it.

So in the mean time, let me show you a co-worker and her bathroom. A blue portapotty. I hear they now come in pink! Lori, next time go pink.

The shower that is hardly ever used. This happened to be the non-master bathroom.

This shelf houses a lot of antique bathroom tins, curling irons and an old wooden box.
This box was orginally shipped to Meta Missouri with soap in it. Meta in it's prime was a railroad town. Meta is about 9 miles from where we live.
My laundry room is located behind these doors. Yes on the second floor of my house.

The main station in the room. Double sinks, triple mirrors great for viewing the back of your head.
Hope you enjoyed the quick trip.


  1. I really like the triple mirror-that would definitely help in the rare moments I have time to do my hair! haha! Thanks for sharing! :)


  2. Nice! That old soap box is awesome. You have so much local and family history in your home... priceless!

  3. I'm excited to find someone who quilts! I like to sew and for the fun of it, I stared on a quilt about a week ago (toddler quilt - I'm starting out small). Anyhow, I'm going to go check out your blog and see if you have any pictures of your quilts. Oh, your bathroom is nice. :-)

  4. The soap box is great. I am a sucker for old wooden boxes. It's true.
