Saturday, June 27, 2009


I never knew when I started blogging almost 2 years ago how many new friends I would make. With 348 post and over 10,000 vistors later.

It's amazing how you run into bloggers that seem like they are part of your family.

You compare kids, grand kids, dogs, quilts, recipes, family issues, good days, bad days, hot days and rainy days and much more.

Today was another one of those days.

I took the 4 wheeler up to the mail box. (It's about a half mile jaunt, and in the 93 degree, cloudless day, there was no way I would walk.) There waiting for me were two packages, both from blogger friends.

If you read my post yesterday you will remember me telling you about Sara. She and hubby Mark had mailed us a package.

I'll say one thing, he is good with tape. I thought I'd have heart failure before I could get it open. There were honey sticks, a jar of honey and a note indicating we might have been sisters in a former life. Oh and did I mention, 4 pieces of sugared fruit candy. What? You only see 3 in the picture?. Darn, I am going on a hunt for that other piece. The jar of honey is from their Farm and Fruit Market, made by their own little honey bees. Thank you guys!

As for the other package, it was a quilt ruler rack that I ordered from
Nancy's Etsy shop. Nancy and I are both into quilting. We live about 2 hours apart in the same state.

Remember the post just a few days ago where I won an apron in the "Pay if forward" game from
Marlene? Today she is talking about her grandmother's rain lilies. We too have rain lilies from BT's grandmother. If you read the link about her, it's not the only flowers we have from her.

Here in Mid-Missouri we have to take them into the basement before frost and let them die down. Early in spring we start watering them and put them outside after frost is over. They pretty much bloom all summer long.

So fellow bloggers out there . . .thank you! I am enjoying this ride.


  1. What wonderful gifts! I have never heard of rain lilies before, but they are purty as can be. -Tammy

  2. Oh my goodness...I can't believe you have Rain Lilies from your grandmother too! How fun is that! Yours is bigger than mine, of course, since mine is just a baby. So beautiful... blessings, marlene

  3. Congrats on the neat gifts! Blogland is kinda amazing : )

  4. Hi Patti, great gifts and it is true you can meet so many friends on blogland that you feel like you have known them for years. Love the apron Marlene made for you.
    Keep Stitchen'

  5. Hee! You're so welcome! That odd frustration you felt trying to undo Mark's taping? Welcome to my life! ;)

    Those lilies are so cool! Like a combination of day lilies and water lilies.
