Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Too much rain in June

I thought I'd show you behind our house. This was just a short 4-wheeler ride for me. It's the flooded Osage River.

Last night it stormed. This morning Mother Nature was still at it. There was almost 2 inches in the gauge. Lightning hit close to the house while I was checking my email. I thought for sure the computer was ruined. Thank goodness everything in the house survived.

We live high on the Osage River bluffs. Don't worry, we will never get flooded where we are. Unless Noah is in the neighborhood.

A little Osage river History:

The river is named for the Osage Nation, the indigenous people in area at the time of the arrival of the first European settlers. It presented significant navigation difficulties for early settlers because of its fluctuating water levels, as well as the presence of shallow pools and sand bars caused by its tight meandering course through the hills.

The Missouri Legislature attempted as early as 1839 to deepen the channel of the river. Early attempts failed because of lack of funding for the immense task. Commercial navigation on the river in the 19th century was confined mostly to smaller craft that could navigate the tight bends and shoals of the river. Improvements in the channel by the last two decades of the century led to greater commercial traffic. The construction of the Bagnell Dam, primarily for hydroelectricity, commenced in 1922 and was completed after nine years, effectively ending commercial navigation on the river. The Truman Dam was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1954 and completed in 1979.


  1. Thanks for stopping by, and thank you for the kind comment on my quilt. I did check yours out and your work is just stunning! I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I love sewing, so I may try my luck at another quilt when I finally get this one done, but it's going to have to be small in size with really big squares! :-)

  2. Isn't this rain something? And next will be the heat.. oh boy. Interesting stuff about the Osage River! -t

  3. Really interesting info. about the Osage River. From cool and rainy to muggy and HOT - it's Missouri!

  4. Your weather girl says it's 90 degrees right now! Time for a dip in the old river! Well, maybe not at flood levels...maybe just run through the sprinklers.
