Thursday, August 20, 2009


The deal of the month was this Biro #22 meat saw BT bought at an Amish auction. Total cost was $75.00. That is $625.00 less than an identical one his brother PT bought this past winter.

Believe me, BT won't let PT live it down either that he got the deal of the month.

This is the before picture taken less than two weeks ago when he brought it home from the auction. BT then went into action. It took power washing, grease cleaner, sanding, and lots of elbow grease before new paint was applied.

This is the new restored version. It is all bright and shiny. Looks like it just came off the show room floor.

Now if we just had a fattened hog or steer ready to butcher!


  1. that is a huge difference. I would have forgotten to take the before pic and the impact would have been lost. Tell him that he did an awesome job! And he deserves to rub that one in a bit!

  2. Great deal! It's great what one can do with a little elbow grease!

  3. Oh, man! Believe me when I tell you how much I admire that meat saw! When did I become someone who admires meat saws? I feel that way about our big 'ol grinder, too. I just like it, you know?

    Very nice and $75? Are you kidding me! That price will only make it that much more enjoyable to use.
    Wow. Good job!
