Monday, September 14, 2009

Grandparent day!

Doesn't this make it all worth while! Beautiful eyes! And Grandpa's aren't bad either.

We even got to eat donuts together.
What kindergartner doesn't love his grandparents to come and visit him at school?


  1. Grandparent's day is my girls' biggest complaint about living in JC. One set is almost two hours away and the other is closer to three. They talked about it all the way home from school yesterday. That they just need to live close enough to gramma that she can come to grandparent day.

  2. Awwwww, Grandson is such a cutie. What a fun day! I will look forward to attending Grandparents' day ~ maybe someday :) -Tammy

  3. and what grandparents wouldn't want to have donuts at school with that blue eyed darling?

  4. Oh, I bet you did have a great day. How nice that you both got to attend.

    I have no grandchildren, so I can only imagine that it was quite a wonderful event.

  5. That sounds like a perfect day. Your grandson is a cutie pie. I don't have grandchildren yet, but I look forward to the day that I can do things like that with them.
    Thank you so much for your recent visits and sweet comments. We do share a lot in common with our mothers. I am going to add your blog to my favorites so that I can do a better job of keeping up with you.

  6. Oh, darn. It would have been great to meet you! Maybe next time!
    Thanks for checking out our blog. We hope you are enjoying Jelly roll week!
