Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Making things

Last Tuesday, Karen at Sew Many Ways had instructions on making a Christmas Card holder. I thought I would give it a try. I looked for the over door hangers, however with Christmas wreaths sales going full force, the shelves were bare.

In stepped the blacksmith. He hammered out two hooks for me and I took off sewing. It was so much fun hot gluing buttons to large paper clips.

I see where Judy at Patchworks times made springerle cookies. I too made some. This is a cookie made with anise. It taste likes black licorice. It's a long process to make the cookies. After rolling out the dough and putting an imprint on them, they need to dry for 12 to 24 hours. You then bake them. They are hard on the outside and chewy on the inside. Excellent with a cup of coffee.

One of the cookie presses that I used is a blacksmith. (Imagine that) It came from a German craft show I attended several years ago. The makers are Be sure to check out their beautiful wares.

The round cookie, I cut out with my donut cutter, minus the center. I then used a rubber stamp to lightly press the design in.

Next I plan on making some molasses puff candy. It is an old fashioned sponge candy (kind of like biting into styrofoam) that is dipped in semi sweet chocolate. Yummy!

Check back in the next day or two . . . I'm having a Christmas give away.


  1. What a neat idea to display cards that way. Actually, over a door is about the only space I have available right now :) A blacksmith cookie press.. you lucky girl. Have fun creating. That's exactly what I'm going to do this evening. -Tammy

  2. Having a blacksmith for a husband is a good thing. :) blessings, marlene

  3. How neat to have a blacksmith cookie press! Those cookies do sound like a lot of work.

    I love that molasses sponge candy stuff. Now I will be hungry for it all week!
