Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Reap what you sow

Let me tell you how lucky I am.
First of all, the blacksmith does most all of the gardening.
When I came home from work Monday night,
he had all the beans picked, stemmed, cleaned and cut up.
All I did was wash the jars.
He loaded the canner, 3 times.
He cooked them outside to keep the heat out of the kitchen.
Did I tell you it was 90 degrees in the shade at 6PM?
What guy he is.
He's a keeper!
18 pints!
And here is Miss E playing with styrofoam peanuts while we were working in the kitchen.
What a cheap toy!

10 PM 91 degrees


  1. Lucky girl you are to have a man like that. Mine can't make himself a sandwhich. I'm serious too. i wouldn't know how to act to have some help with the garden. Everyone here sure does like eating it though. The green beans look beautiful all canned up, you should save the prettiest jar and enter it in the fair.

  2. You're already putting up beans? Mine don't even have blossoms yet. My man is like yours, ready and willing to help with the gardening. Kids are gone, I thought we were ready to down-size the garden, and dear hubby puts in not one, but two more. He's a keeper. Your beans make me drool.
    A Great Day To Ya

  3. My garden consists of one cucumber plant and one tomato plant sharing an old planter and hubby hasn't even been out the back door to look at them! I hope you told your guy how much you appreciate him! We've got the same heat wave here - and it's not even July yet!

  4. I love that show, American is the bellows something your Hubby uses in his blacksmith's soooo huge.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. oh and a cool front is heading my will only be 89 today!! lol

    next year i want a garden, even if it is just tomatoes...

  6. He does sound like a keeper
    What a guy!

    I love home canned beans in the dead of winter. What a treat! My mom used to can them and give me some, but she stopped canning a few years ago, so now I have to rely on Gordon Foods freezer section.

    91 degrees at 10pm............sounds miserable. It's 7:30p,m here and 70 degrees and I have the air conditioner on. I am getting it nice and cool, then will turn it off when I go to bed.

  7. What a guy! Your beans look beautiful all canned up. My guy could probably do much of that, but chooses not to :) Do you know how lucky you are? I am the grill person here too. Don't some guys do that? Mine doesn't do that either.. hmmm! Oh, but yes.. he DID build me a chicken tractor. So I guess I have to be nice.. lol. -Tammy

  8. He sounds like a keeper. I don't even think we would need a cooker down this way. This Texas heat is HOT!

  9. We got 9 banana peppers yesterday! woo hoo! Only 2 green beans but lots of tiny ones so won't be long.
    Granddaughter is such a cutie!

  10. I do love canned green beans! I won't get to can any this summer but next summer I'll catch up. blessings, marlene

  11. That Blacksmith is alright. And Miss E. is a babydoll!

    I got nuthin canned or frozen yet!
