Friday, July 16, 2010

It's a win win day

What a cool day I had! (That is after I got off work).

Anyone who knows me, knows I love pottery! Blue is my usual choice of color. Several months ago while reading Lori's Mountain woman at heart blog, I discovered a butter bell.

The search was on. I knew a cobalt blue butter bell was in my future.

So one evening while talking to my friend Jackie of Carolina Crafting on facebook, I mentioned that I was looking for a butter bell. Jackie has a shop at Brasstown, North Carolina. There she features local artists.

She contacted one of her artist at Back Creek Clay and had one made for me!

So this is what was in my mail box today!

A coblate blue butter keeper!!!
Now for those of you that aren't familiar with a butter bell here's the deal. You take a stick of real butter, yes real butter. Let it come to room temperatures and then smash it into the cup on the lid. You then put a small amount of water in the bowl. Turn the lid over and insert it into the bowl. Your real butter stays soft on the counter and doesn't spoil because the water seals the air off from it.
I can hardly wait to make fresh blackberry muffins in the morning and smear the soft real butter on.

Jackie also included a surprise gift. These are microwave oven mitts. Jackie calls them her latest obsession. Thanks for the surprise gift Jackie!

But wait there was another package for me. I won this pattern giveaway the other day from Chancy at Created by Chancy.
WAIT, there's more. . . tonight was I was checking some of my favorite blogs before signing off, I see where I won a giveaway. It's from Lori at Mountain woman at heart. Yep, the same Lori that told me about the butter bell!
So there is more on the way. Thanks to my blogger friends, Jackie, Chancy and Lori. You girls made my day!


  1. Congratulations, you have had a great day and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.......:-) Hugs

  2. What a great day! I love butter bells, and those microwave mitts are too cute!

  3. well, i guess i better check to see if you have entered any contests before i stick my name in...seems you are having quite the run of luck..

    my mom and dad have a butter bell and i hate it...i like my butter COLD!! lol

  4. Very cool! I just recently learned what a butter bell is and I've been on the lookout for one.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Boy, you are on a roll. Keep it up. Glad you liked the surprise. Hope I picked the right colors. Yummy...muffins !

  6. Well Congratulations Patti, you are a lucky duck too! Your butter bell is darling and functional too! And YES to real butter! And I am betting your fresh blackberry muffins are awesome but lets be truthful, muffins are just a great delicious excuse to eat BUTTER!!!

  7. Pat's work is amazing!! I got some of Jackie's pot holders too-they work great! Now you just need to come to Brasstown so you can see us all in person : )
