Thursday, August 26, 2010

I love Thursdays

On the Thursdays that I don't work, I get to take care of Miss Elizabeth.
She came dressed so cute today, as she does most days.
She loves to feed Bentley cookies.
That is what she calls the dog treats.
She goes and gets them herself and then stands at the door and calls puppy over and over.
If he gets fat, it's going to be her fault.

Her grandpa taught her where the cheerios are stored.
She can get them too.
It takes just a few to satisfy her.
But if she gets fat, we can blame Grandpa on that one.

Here she eats them by the handful.

Aw Grandma are you taking my picture again?

See why I like Thursdays?
Update on Lane: He had surgery #2 yesterday.
Today they took him off of life support and he is holding his own.
Please continue to remember him
his parents
grandparents in your prayers.


  1. I thought for a minute there that she was eating a doggie cookie. Whew. Cute post. Being a grandma is fun, isn't it!

    Lane stays in my prayers.

    You missing the Blacksmith yet?

  2. She is indeed a little cutie! I imagine it is so much fun to have her on Thursdays.

    There are not any little kids in my life, except when my coworker brings in her litte girl--Zoe--she's a hoot. She is now 5 and today she should be coming in to show me her new hairdo. I am looking forward to that.

  3. What a little cutie! The bow in her hair tops it all off. :)

  4. Elizabeth is so cute.
    I'm sure Bentley think so also.
    Continuing in prayer for Lane and family.

  5. OMGoodness!! How she has grown. She just gets cuter by the day too. No wonder you love Thursdays :)

    Glad to hear the report on Lane. I will keep all of them in my prayers!! -Tammy
