Friday, August 20, 2010

Prayers needed

Remember my BFF from a few days ago?
Her 7 month old grandson Lane, was injured at day care yesterday.
It's a head injury.
He is in ICU.
Please take a moment and say a prayer for a miraculous recovery.
Thank you
Osagebluff quilter


  1. Oh my goodness, bless his heart. Sending prayers to Lane, his family, and his doctors right now.

  2. In Jesus name, I speak healing and life over this baby. Father, Your Word says that the prayer of faith SHALL heal the sick. So today I come, in faith, believing You for a miracle, believing You for healing. I ask that You give Your wisdom and guidance to every doctor and every nurse that will come into contact with Lane. I ask that You comfort the parents, the grandparents, the entire family. Let them turn to You only for their comfort. Thank you God that we can come before You boldly, and that You hear our every cry. I thank you God that You are the Healer, and I ask you to heal Lane completely, in Jesus name. Amen.

  3. Oh I am sad to hear this. Prayers coming his way for sure, please keep us posted......:-) Hugs

  4. Many prayers coming his way for healing and prayers for his family to endure this tragic thing God will provide everything they need!

  5. Prayers for healing for this little guy and strength for his family.

    Keep us posted.


  6. Prayers going up right at this moment for little Lane and his family. He is so adorable. Praying for a miracle. Please keep us posted.

  7. I'm echoing Down On The Farm - asking for complete healing. blessings, marlene

  8. So sad, I hope he will mend quickly and prayers are being said...

  9. So sorry to hear this. Prayers have been said and will continue for Lane, his family, and the Dr's who treat him.

  10. How awful that something like this has happened to that sweet little guy. I will be keeping him and his family in my prayers.

  11. Very heartbreaking. Definitely will say prayers.

  12. Oh oh oh. Prayers now!! Please keep us updated.

  13. Oh my, bless hi sheart. What a sweet baby. Prayers indeed.

    What a beautiful prayer from beautiful.
