Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another "I love Thursday!"

Just as last Thursday, we had Elizabeth again today. She was a doll and stayed awake all morning during our weekly trip to town. We first went to see my Mom at her assisted living apartment. Of course Ms E is always a hit there as she is waving and blowing kisses to all the elderly.

It was then on to Schnuck's Market, Aldi's, Wal-mart, and then a stop at McD's. Not my favorite place, but hey, we ate for $5.01. Grandpa had a birthday coupon for a free large sandwich. Ms. E. and I ate off the $1 menu.

She did fall asleep on the way home. I carried her to her bed and changed her diaper. She didn't wake up until 2 1/2 hours later.

We then got a call to go meet her brothers' school bus. Grandpa said those boys sure smiled when they saw him waiting for them .

Here are the kids just vegging out after their afternoon snacks.

I have been working on a surprise for the blacksmith this week. Oops, I forgot he reads, okay proofs, this blog. Anyway, I found this Farmall fabric last year and just rediscovered it in my basket. It will make a cute wall hanging. Maybe with the 3 day weekend I will get it finished.
After the kids left, I finished my yeast dough for homemade pizza.

Now, a storm is setting in. We don't need more rain. We had two inches just Wednesday night. However, this storm will bring a cold front with it. It might even break a low of 40 some degrees by Saturday morning. Just so the storm doesn't get rough. As I type this the daughter in Edmond, Oklahoma is having high winds, up to 70 mph reportedly.

Stay safe ya all!


  1. we had a bit of rain, but nothing major..despite being under severe weather warnings. I hope it's nice tomorrow, the college student ... the grass is only half cut...and looks terrible.

  2. We'd like to have some of that rain over here! And cooler weather would be welcome too!

    Your grandkids are a good lookin' bunch!

  3. I love that Farmall fabric. That is gonna be great! Wonder if they have any Allis C fabric out there. I will have to do some checking. Sounds like you had another fun day with Miss E. You have the cutest grandkids, you know!

    Stay safe down there along the Osage! -Tammy

  4. We have some wonderfully cool weather for the next few days! How nice to have your Grandpa waiting at the bus. Sweet memories.

  5. Whew, just getting caught up. You are a busy lady!

    I bet the boys were smiling when they saw their grandpa! Your grandbabies are precious. My parents are moving very soon and our boys don't know yet. :( It's going to be hard on everyone. I'm guessing more so on our 10 year old who has been accustomed to having them 5 minutes away for most of his life... now they'll be 13 hours away.

    The quilt tops turned out great! I love all the blues. Glad to hear some encouraging news about Lane. :)

  6. Those grandkids are just to cute.
    We didn't get much of a storm last night, but Wednesday it rained all day and I loved it.
    Looking forward to seeing the Farm wall hanging when it is finished.
    Hoping to start a new project for myself soon.
    Have a good restful holiday week end.

  7. Ms E sure is growing and I LOVE that fabric. 70 MPH winds....YIKES!

  8. We are getting a cold windy rainy day today, too. It feels so good! It's down to 70 degrees right now.

    Ms. E is just adorable. She is getting to that fun age...should be pure grandparent pleasure for the next few years!

    Have fun working on the blacksmith's quilt this weekend.

    I just got home from a trip to Joanne's--bought lots of fabric! I plan to do some sewing, too.

  9. We needed rain so very badly but oh baby we got a flood! We've had a little more than seven inches this week but we were burnt up to a crisp.

    That little Miss Elizabeth is a doll and what a thrill for the boys to see Gramps waitin' for 'em.

    God bless ya and have a great Labor Day.

    I believe ours is gonna involve tractors and plows if it's dry enough. :o)

  10. Most of the rain keeps missing us. We need more.

    Those kids are so lucky to have the two of you. Aren't grandkids great!!

    So did the blacksmith figure things out?
