Sunday, September 26, 2010

Surviving Munichburg 2010

It was a beautiful morning at 6:45 as we drove out the drive way. As we got closer to Jefferson City we could see the fog rising from the Missouri River. Arriving in Munichburg at 7 AM, we could still feel the dew on the grass.

The area was quietly busy. Canopy's were going up every where. It took us a little over an hour to set up the blacksmith shop, both the demonstrating area and the sales area. We had three 6 foot tables full of wares, both our's and our friend Terry's goods.

Shortly after we were up and running, this obnoxious red balloon thing goes up across from our booth. The motor buzzes all day long as the crazy thing flapped in the air.

This is an early view taken of Dunklin Street. I was so busy with sales the rest of the day that I never got any good action shots. However, blogger friends like Missouri Gal stopped by. You can view a few of her pictures here. In the first picture on her blog, not only do you see me, but fellow blogger Rural Rambles is in the navy blouse. It was my first in person visit with her.

Terry helps the Blacksmith out here as they double strike. That is always an attention getter.

The blue canopy is the funnel cake booth. We thought maybe it was a requirement to have a large waist line to purchase one, but that was just our opinion.

Grandson Alex helps Grandpa out here.

Here the grand kids rest up after the bouncy house and kidsville. Shortly after this we had a visit from My loves, my Life. When Elizabeth woke up Deanna filled in cuddling her while I was busy with a sale.

I was luckily enough to met up with another blogger friend, Opulent Opossum. She and her dad are really into the history of Munichburg and I loved visiting with them.

Just behind us at 4:00 the strong man pulled two beer trucks with his hands. (Thanks Brady for taking this picture for Grandma!)
The weather was just picture perfect. Not too hot, not too cool, and always a gentle breeze blowing. It was a great day with great customers, great friends, great bloggers and great family all showing up. Thanks everyone!

And then when I got home I had these waiting in the mailbox for me. If only they had come the day before!


  1. Oh wow Patti, you guys put your hearts and soul into Old Munichburg. Terri and Bernie were awesome. And I cringed everytime you bopped your head on the ringers. Elizabeth was such a cuddler. We hooked up with them later at Central Dairy.

    I hope you took a well deserved break when you got home. Hugs.

  2. It was great to see you. You were busy when we went back by so we didn't stop. We have to catch up again soon!

  3. Looks like fun. other than the wailing flailing tube man that is. Wierdly enough those things make me smile every time I see one. :)

  4. Glad you had a good show, we had one as well up in Indiana, GREAT weather too!
    By the way,I actually found TWO of those old sinks, the second one is even bigger!

  5. Patti I never saw that obnoxious red ballon thing flappin' around. I was lookin at all the goodies at your booth!
