Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The kids for some reason(s) never complain about coming to Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Today I had fresh made shavings for them or schnitzel as the Germans call them.

Elizabeth made sure she savored every last bite!
They are coming back tomorrow, what shall I make?


  1. What's to complain about??! Heck, I'd like to come visit myself! HAHA!

  2. Such a perfect afternoon to eat "Shavings". If you get a chance, send me the proportions of flour, salt and water. I know my grandkids would enjoy it.

    Can't wait to see what you came up with for today!

  3. Hey Lady Bug! How are things with you?
    My goodness Elizabeth has grown! My dad and I agree, my son needs to settle down and find a nice girl. He will be 24 in March and I'd really like a grand child!

  4. Your grandkids are just so cute, Im sure there treat was very yummy indeed :o)

  5. I've never heard them called shavings before, just schnitzel but I work in an area settled by Germans a long time ago. Let me know when you're making shavings again! : )

  6. what should you make? well the best thing you are making with them is the memories! what darling grandchildren you have!

  7. Cute kiddos. They are certainly enjoying the shavings.

    This brought back a wonderful childhood memory!

    Pat@Back Porch Musings
