Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coming to my house soon

It's been a busy week. We've had cousins staying with us since Sunday evening. They had been RVing for the winter in Arizona.

Jim and Nancy come for a few days every April on their way back to their home in Iowa.

Jim and Nancy and family last year at the Reunion in Iowa
We always have fun. Nancy and I have girl time, like shopping, baking, eating, drinking coffee, and shopping. Oh did I already say that?  The guys fish and garden.

Sunday evening, when they arrived, I had meatloaf, buttered yukon gold potatoes, home canned fried green beans, and blackberry crisp waiting for them. From that point on we ate well and ate a lot it seemed.

Monday's breakfast was country sausage, eggs, and toast. I wasn't at home for lunch (someone in this house still works a little). But dinner that evening was Taco El Pastor and spanish rice. Dessert was Roba Dolce Sorbetto. Thank you Karen .

"Tuesday's with Grandma" meant little Lizzie was here. Nancy and I made corn cakes, bacon, and eggs, topped off with fresh pineapple and strawberries. The guys were on their own for lunch. Dinner was fish and potatoes along with cole slaw. This was after the guys went fishing and caught 18 bluegills and crappies. We 3 girls (yes Lizzie too) had gone shopping which included stops at T J Maxx, JoAnn's fabric, Kohl's, and BK Bakery for some refreshments.

Wednesday morning it was  country sausage patties, sour dough skillet toast with homemade peach and blackberry jellies, and eggs.

Then the four of us went for a road trip. Our first stop was in High Point Missouri.  There we visited Ramer Brothers Oak Furniture store.

Farm House Table

This is what I went for. Eight weeks from now, it will be coming to my house with 3 leaves. I am so excited. As the family grows, so does the dining room table.

After the furniture store we stopped at a rummage sale. It was then on to Mennonite territory. We did a lot of shopping at Weaver's market. They have the biggest selection of fresh spices. It took almost two hours for us to do our shopping there. After that it was a local surplus store. 

It was a fun afternoon, roaming the country side, seeing the horse and buggies, the steel wheeled tractors, the budding trees, and fresh country air. 

After a few hours of down time at home, we grilled burgers for dinner.  It was our last night to visit and visit we did. It was almost 11:30 before we said our goodbyes.

Our next visit might be us visiting at their house.  How's that Nancy???


  1. You have had a very busy week! I love that oak table-can't wait to see photos of it in your house!

  2. What fun and yum! I've been to every place you mentioned except BK Bakery. I don't dare step foot in a bakery... I'd gain five lbs just from sniffing.

    That oak table is perfect for your dining area.

    We'll head your way soon for some of that grass. Jim is so excited about his pond - oh wait, he has upgraded it to a Lake after seeing the size of it - he is like a five year old with his first new bike.


  3. Sounds as though you all had a great time visiting.
    An awful lot of fun crammed into every day.
    Please, don't get me stated with BK. We L♥ve that Bakery.

  4. Food sounds yum, activities (especially shopping at TJM) definitely fun, and I love that oak table! -Tammy

  5. oooh, I'm hungry reading this post....

    Great family times to cherish...

  6. Sounds like a lot of fun. I LOVE the table. I am still trying to figure out how I missed all of these posts!!! lol
