Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tomato soup recipe

Okay gals here is the recipe a few of you have asked for. The soup will be a great thing to have on a cold snowy day, which is what would be nice after the record breaking temperature's we have had here this week.

15 lbs ripe tomatoes (I weighed before I cored)
4 large onions, chopped
4 stalks celery, chopped
1 red pepper

Core and quarter tomatoes, add all the vegetables and cook until tender.
Put through sieve.

I use a Norpro Sauce Master like this one.

Now take:
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup salt (I used just a little less)
1/2 cup butter (Yes I used real butter)
1/2 cup flour (I use more like 3/4 cup, I like a thicker soup)

Mix all this together with a fork, a pastry blender might work. You want it to be smashed well.

Mix dry mix with tomato pulp and boil together for 5 minutes.

Ladle into quart jars and seal. (This gave me 6 quarts and 1 pint)

Pressure cook for 15 minutes at 15 pounds pressure.

When you heat the soup this winter, do not let it boil. I like to add a little bit of milk to tame it down.

I can't take credit for this recipe without giving credit to the blacksmith's aunt Mary.



  1. Wouldn't it just be easier to open a can? ;-)
    Seriously Patti, I do have a question. You do not normally read recipes for soup warning not to boil. As Gloria loves things very hot (I always claim it is because she had to eat so many cold meals as a child) that her soup does tend to boil a time or two. Or three. So why the no boil warning?
    I bet this is great with a generous slice of home made bread!

  2. We love tomato soup around here and homemade is the best!! The sauce maker thing is interesting;)

  3. I would love to attempt your recipe, but this heat has shriveled my 2 little tomato plants up. But on a more cheerful note----today we are moving my granddaughter into her apartment at university! My life and my blog will be restarting in the next couple of days!! (Rebel yell goes right here).

  4. I have one of those nifty gadgets too. We use it when we make salsa . . . but I don't cook my tomatoes first! Have a wonderful day!

  5. Thanks for the recipe. I have a friend with an abundance of tomatoes. She can probably use it.

  6. There is nothing better than Tomato Soup and grilled cheese. I am definitely going to have to give this a try! Thanks.

    Wasn't this rain wonderful?!?!

  7. Oh, and I love my Sauce Master. I don't think I could survive salsa season without it!

  8. Lawseh, this looks *good*! I'm going to have to try it, though everyone I know has had a Dickens of a time with their tomaters this year.

    This reminds me that I have a special tomato soup recipe I acquired some years ago, stolen from a top-flight restaurant in Seattle by one of its valet parkers (It uses *gin*! And you *ignite* it!) . . . But it's best at the end of the season, when there's an abundance of ripe tomatoes that need to be dealt with, or lost.

    ...Geez. Wonder if we'll get to have that situation this year??

  9. My Grandma would be so proud that you are sharing her recipe with others!!! Our tomato's are not quite ready yet but we will be working on this in week or so! :)
