Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's in the mail!

I know you probably can't make it any bigger. So check it out here: Jeri Landers Lithographs. Any who, I have ordered this print and I can hardly wait. It will go right beside my quilting frame that is currently set up in the living room.

I've followed Jeri's blog for a long time. Her work is fabulous! I ordered one of her children books for the grand kids last year. You can follow along on the book she is currently working on by clicking here.

And while you are at it, follow her blog by clicking here!


  1. It's a beautiful print! I bet you will be inspired gazing upon it as you quilt!

  2. Oh my gosh! I didn't realize that was you! I know you will love it. The original was 3'x4' and quite striking. We just mailed yours today. I twisted my ankle and it threw me behind. Let me know when the print arrives... and thank you!

  3. wow, she has some amazing prints. Love the Noah's Ark..and the Santa in the Sleigh is so cute...
