Sunday, October 23, 2011

We and the Casita visit Mountain View Arkansas

We left Perry, Oklahoma Monday morning at 9:06. At 4:55 we pulled into Mountain View with 335 miles behind us. It was a long drive for the blacksmith. Our next three nights would be spent at Ozark RV park. It is located within walking distance (gated path included) to the Ozark Folk Center.

It is a full service RV park. Full hook ups, free wifi, free cable TV, laundry facilities, trash pick up, and even a community room and a free newspaper delivered to our door step.

For about $23 a night, before our Good Sam discount, we were put in lot 2A.  A perfect spot, as it was located just across the drive way from the community house and there was a jam session to start at 7:00 PM.

After set up, I heated a bowl of chili up. The blacksmith took a nap and I walked over to the music just after it started.

The locals are very proud of their roots. Their music is pre-world war II, 1941. They do not use any electric instruments. The only thing being played that night were dulcimers, auto harps and one bass wash tub. I counted 30 musicians. Each person took a turn picking the song they wanted to play, and then everyone joined in. A lot of singing was going on. One lady chose Amazing Grace.   "No, no" everyone said, "that is always our last song of the evening, we will come back to you".

At 9:00 came Amazing Grace, everyone joined in singing. I really enjoyed my evening.

The next morning after a great breakfast of homemade pork sausage that I had brought along, fried eggs, and toasted sour dough bread, we were ready for a day of shopping in the rain.

Our first stop was Main Street. We parked in front of the court house shown in the above picture.

We visited so many antique shops and even found a thing or two to buy. The fudge shop was open, but we kept on walking.

After lots of walking the downtown area, we went out of town for more antiquing.

This is a must see store, Mellon's Country Store. There was a corner dedicated to musicians in the front of the store. Most all businesses have an area to jam. 

I just had to take a picture of the cocks combs!

Next time I will tell you about more music and the Ozark Folk Center.


  1. I'm jealous and homesick! If I ever do get back to the Ozarks, I might not leave.

  2. You got there! Isn't it a fun little town? Have you been to the Folk Center yet? We stayed at the same RV park in 2006, and totally enjoyed it. Keep the pictures and reports on your trip coming so I can relive it again. Have fun!

  3. Sounds like a great time away. That country store looks like a whole lotta fun!

  4. I haven't been there in over 20 years but I remember loving it. I went to the Folk Center the first time the first year it was built....I think maybe 40 years ago! blessings, marlene

  5. Hi Patti,
    Thanks so much for your comment about Gracie...I really appreciated it. Mountain View looks like a really fun place...I'm going to have to add that to our list of places to go.

    Thanks Again,

  6. What fun-looks like a great trip : )

  7. This looks like a nice area to visit for a few days! I'd love browsing in that country store and the antique shops. Glad you had a good time!

  8. I did wonder about you. Glad you had a good time.

  9. Wow! A place we've actually been! LOL. Loved that place. We stayed at a (kinda run-down) rental cabin 10 yrs or so ago. Mellon's was perfect, huh? And I would have been right there w/ ya at the jam session. We did enjoy the Folk Center too, and the scenery as we enjoyed breakfast there most every morning. I remember they had the neatest bird feeders right out the windows of the restaurant too. Speaking of breakfasts... yours sounds delish! Great pics - Can't wait to see more :) -Tammy

  10. Oh, my hubby and I spent part of our honeymoon in Mt. View 38 yrs. ago! It was late January, very cold and like being in a ghost town! I think we ate at the Rainbow Cafe! I still like to visit Mt. View, but NOT in wintertime!

  11. I'm trilled ya'll had a great getaway. What a charmin' little place that looks like.

    We drove in from Brownsville Tx Friday. ll45 miles down and ll45 miles back, no matter how ya go. I was our 'workcation' at Moms. :o)

    Have yourself a terrifically blessed Tuesday sweetie! :o)

  12. I would totally LOVE this place and have added it to our list of places to go. What fun! Great pictures.
