Tuesday, December 6, 2011

#6 A candy cane, or five

Well here we are at day 6. I can't believe I've made it every day so far without missing a beat. Susan who is hosting December in 25 photos is MIA. (In her defense, I do think she said something about a business trip).

Anyway, today as I was putting out more Christmas decorations I came across this jolly Santa. Low and behold he has 5 candy canes in his arm!

The big tree isn't up yet, but the smaller 4 are. I am so close to getting the quilt out of the frame and out of the living room. There is still hope for the tree this week.


  1. Great candy canes. Glad the quilt is almost finished. Sorry I haven't been around to comment. I'm still at a conference for two more days. I'll have my pics and link up by the weekend. Thanks for playing along. Blessings, SusanD

  2. You are doing so good on the photos. Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  3. Cute santa-and neat he's holding the right number ; )

  4. I hae NO Christmas decorations out yet! Aldi's has the thin little chocolate covered peppermint candies. They will not last through the week here I'm afriad.

  5. My candy cane find was quite by accident, too! Isn't it so cool when that happens?
