Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The last day of winter break

The kids came this morning to spend their last winter holiday with us. We started breakfast with fried eggs, which they love, and ended with hot homemade cinnamon rolls. (Sarah and Jeremy, notice your old Garfield cups?)

Here is my recipe for those delicious homemade rolls. 

Sweet rolls
4 t. yeast (2 pkgs) (I use rapid rise yeast)
1 cup lukewarm water
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
2/3 cup sugar
3 Tablespoons butter
5 cups flour
1 c boiling milk (I used 2 minutes in the microwave on high)

Mix together yeast, water, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and the salt. Let stand while beating eggs, 2/3 c. sugar, and melted butter. Add to yeast mixture, then beat in 3 cups flour. Mix well. Add 2 c. of flour but do not beat until you pour the hot milk over it. Beat well. (I used the paddle on my Kitchen Aid for the entire process).

Let rise until doubled. Punch down, cover, and put in the refrigerator for 8 hours or over night. (It keeps several days in the refrigerator)

To make the best hot rolls, take dough, and with a small amount of flour, roll until about 3/4 inch thick. Cut circles. Grease your pan, but before adding circles brush the round edge with melted butter. NOT the tops. Let rise and bake @375 F for 15-20 minutes. When the rolls are finished, then brush tops with melted butter.

For cinnamon rolls, roll dough into a rectangle about 1/2 inch thick, brush with melted butter, add white or brown sugar and cinnamon, roll, and slice. Let rise and bake @375 F for 20-25 minutes. Ice if desired. 

The day started at 17 degrees, but at 10:30 we were up to 40 degrees and Grandpa thought it was time to go outdoors. (He did have an ulterior motive.)


Lizzie was first to drive the Farmall H. The trailer was loaded with cut firewood.

She thought it was a parade, by the way she was waving. 

Alex gets a lesson in how to dump the trailer.

Brady could almost drive the tractor by himself. 

Alex just enjoyed his ride. 

And off into the sunset they went . . . .       Gosh did Grandpa and Grandma enjoy this day!


  1. Those cinnamon rolls look delicious! I may have to try your recipe.

  2. Those kids will keep these memories with them the rest of their lives!!!!!

    I'm going to try that cinnamon roll recipe. How long do they rise the second time?

    Enjoy this sunshine! Isn't it great?

  3. My son has that same Garfield mug! Have a great week, rolls sounded really good.

  4. Looks like a good last day too me : ) Wish I could come to a breakfast like that : )

  5. I can imagine how enjoyable it was for Grandpa and Grandma!

    How many G'mas make cinnamon rolls from scratch anymore? Those kids must love coming to your house!

  6. Oh I loved seeing all your pictures!!! Looks like you all had a ball. Thanks for the recipe! I am going to try this!

  7. I bet the kids enjoyed it too. If I didnt have to let the dough chill for 8 hours I would seriously be making those cinnamon buns right now but I'll be back for the recipe. They loom seriously delicious!

    Happy New Year Patti!


  8. Oh my goodness!! My B. has been looking at tractors for about 5 months now. As we were going to town a few days ago we passed a man driving a tractor on the highway.
    B. said, "That could be me one day soon." Men and their toys. lol
