Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lots of "Eye Candy"

We went to a 4 o'clock auction today in Osage county. We arrived about an hour early knowing it was a huge sale. I walked up and down the isle in amazement. The collection that the owner had was unbelievable. I was so taken by it all that I really took very few pictures. 

6 nesting bowls, I really think there might have originally been 7.  So amazed they survived this long. 

  Red wing!

Lots of Western stoneware.

 Pottery, pottery, and more pottery.

Children's toys, most all kitchen stuff!

Spice jars and salt and pepper shakers.

 Beautiful old jars, coffee jars in many sizes too.

Granite ware, and it wouldn't all fit on one picture.

Would you believe we left before the bidding even started? I mean there was no cast iron for us to buy. There were dealers walking around, like I had never seen before, either with tablets or thick books with price list of antiques. 

I no longer buy just because I like something. I need a purpose and/or a place to put my treasurers. So all this was just eye candy today!

If you'd like to see the auctioneer's web site, he has pictures too.


  1. Wow! I wish I could have been there ! I dont think I have ever been to such a great sale! BTW the stoneware pitchers with white with blue windmills. Do you know anything about them? They look like one I picked up at a yard sale this summer.

  2. Love the granite ware! And all those spice jars remind me of both of my grandmas. :)

  3. I think I would have hyperventilated! blessings, marlene

  4. That would have been so much fun to go to! Wow, I can see many things I would enjoy having....

  5. omg !!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean really OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I wish I had been there! What a sale!

  7. Great plan = buy only what you can truly use

  8. Wow now that is some collections!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. loved catching up here at Osage Bluff.. as always. And I really enjoyed all that eye candy! You and BT have a fabulous weekend!! -t
