Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What do these 3 women have in common?

A. They all went to the same quilt guild meeting?
B. They had never met in person before this picture?
C. Most of them came equipped with a camera?

If you guessed A, you are correct.  If you guessed B, you are correct.  If you guessed C, you are correct.

It's me, Osage Bluff Quilter; Gerry, at GerryART; and Nancy at  . . . with thread in hand (Just not a camera LOL).

Claire of two draft Mom, had invited me as her guest to the Missouri River Quilt guild meeting tonight.  As we entered the big room, almost every table was full.  We finally found a table with room for us.  As my butt was hitting the chair, the lady across from me said "PATTI???"   I kept from screaming NANCY???   We have talked through Facebook and our blogs for a couple of years now.  At one point Nancy lived half away across the state from me.  Nancy does some awesome sewing, not only quilts, but cute things for her grand kids.   She also has remodeled a complete house in the past year.

Nancy had come as a guest of Janet's.  Janet's best friend Esther, happens to be a blacksmith's wife and a friend of mine too. 

Shortly into the meeting, guest and visitors were introduced.  As soon as I got my name out of my mouth, over runs Gerry.  She looks at me and smiles.  I recognized her by her beautiful white hair.  I immediately looked for her green socks. We had never met in person either, but talk weekly through our blogs.  She is an awesome knitter in addition to being an excellent quilter. 

After the meeting we posed for pictures.  I am so glad Claire asked me to go.  There were some awesome show and tells!  This time next month I hope to become a member, right Nancy?

P. S. Oh and I  met Betty at Luv2sew.  She had been following my blog she told me!

P. S. P. S I forgot to tell you blogger Carla of Lollyquiltz was the featured speaker. She is an awesome job showing her quilts and telling their story!


  1. Great blog post, Patti.
    Last nite was the best wasn't it.
    Being bloggers has brought about all kinds of friendships. Close or far.
    Claire and Vivian has been quiltin' chick friends for many years, as has been Betty. And now, a new friend, Nancy.
    Love knowing that we'll be actually seeing you in person at our monthly guild meeting.
    Oh, happy night ! ! ! !

  2. How cool! Oh, the power of blogs, quilting (and facebook) :) Great pictures, and I love all the connections and stories. -Tammy

  3. Oh how fun!!! That is what I would like to do is have a group of ladies that I could learn from!!! Enjoy every minute.

  4. Isn't it fun meeting fellow bloggers? I've met a few.

    Speaking of which, isn't the animal/craft swap meet happening soon at Jacob's Cave? Are you going?

  5. Oh, what fun. I am so glad you enjoyed the guild!
