Sunday, April 22, 2012

A first communion

Today 7 year old Alex made his first communion. 

All eight of the kids had duties to perform during mass.  Here is our little man taking up the collection. 

After church we had a luncheon at the new neighbor's house.  Alex's mom, has 11 siblings. Most of them came with their spouse, their kids, and even some grand kids.  It was a big party!

Later in the day, it was gift opening time.  Alex was pretty pleased with the gift that Grandpa made for him.  He told us, "Now I have something to hang on those nails in our room".

Here's  close ups of the cross. 


  1. Wow! What a beautiful cross that will become such a cherished belonging of a grandson from his Gramp.

    Congratulations to you all on his First Communion!

  2. That is a beautiful cross, and a great gift. Grandpa does such nice work!

  3. What a wonderful gift for his first communion! He will always cherish the cross that grandpa made for him.

  4. I am sure he will treasure it for many years to come!!!! Very special! Hugs, Doreen

  5. Congratulations to Alex! He looks so very proud. Love the cross. What a special keepsake. Our kids are making their 1st Communion on May 6. They always look so special all dressed up and smiling.

  6. Beautiful cross. I am sure it will become a family heirloom.
