Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to me!

The kids gave me a gift certificate for Mother's Day to a local green house.  So local it's only about 4 miles from my front door.

I went by after work on Monday.  There wasn't a big crowd, so I went rather quickly.

There are many green houses full of beautiful flowers.

So many flowers in fact, they are sitting on the floor.

You take a wagon and fill it at your leisure.  For only $1.64 I got all these flowers plus a big bag of potting soil.  Thanks Jeremy, Lori, Sarah, and Rusty!!  Love you guys.

Monday night I filled this bed with Coleus of many varieties.  It still had pansies blooming that were planted last fall.  I hated to part with them, however I knew they wouldn't hold up to the heat much longer.

I took Tuesday night off from flower duty and went to the monthly meeting of the Missouri River Quilt Guild.  The bag ladies entertained us! 

Wednesday night it was back to flower planting.  I worked on the deck planters.  This one will bloom with yellow when matured.

The two beds below have bright eyes. (Sorry for the blurry pic.)

My pink planter with the geranium that I actually kept alive over the winter.

I just couldn't bear to part with the pansies so I stuffed  planted them in this pot. 

It's been a busy week, first time I've been scheduled to work 5 days in a row in a long time.  On my way to work almost every day this week I saw these ducks.  Today I was prepared with camera in hand. 

Now for the weekend, some rest will be much appreciated.


  1. Your beds are beautiful, and I hope you give us updates on that one full of coleus. That should be stunning.

  2. Beautiful! You are so lucky to have such a nice greenhouse close to home. Love the ducks! -Tammy

  3. Looks like you'll be having a very colorful summer, Patti.
    Again, great seeing you again.

  4. those bag ladies are so cute!

    I wish I had some big greenhouses like that. My choices are so limited. Today I was looking for kale, and there was none to be found.

  5. Trinkleins is the best! Whata wonderful present! Everything is going to look wonderful!
