Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A present for me!

When I got home from work yesterday, this is what I saw!

It's a jewelry holder for me.  I had told the blacksmith I need a holder for the necklaces I would be selling at the BAM conference. Isn't it adorable?

He's a keeper!  The blacksmith that is!  


  1. Lucky you! He's a keeper!!

  2. Adorable. Where is this BAM event?

  3. What a great gift for you! And it means even more because he made it for you :0!

  4. That is so perfect! What is that event???

  5. He is definitely a keeper! Love it!

  6. What a great guy - looking forward to seeing you all, we are not going to get there until Friday, so see you then.

  7. Ooooh, it's just perfect to display your jewelry on.

    Yep...he's a keeper for sure!

    God bless ya and have a fantastic day sweetie!!! :o)

  8. It's fantastic! Yeah for you and yes, a keeper, the Blacksmith and frankly the jewelry holder too! I really wish I could go to this event, I love everything about cast iron and the unique things blacksmiths make! Such talent:)

  9. Love the jewelry holder - very nice! Is the Blacksmith going to sell them at the BAM event? I think he might want to make some - just in case your jewelry buyers like the holder as much as we do - ;))

  10. How cool is that? You've definitely got a keeper!

  11. Oh my! I should have paid closer attention today! That is awesome. Yes, I agree.. you have a keeper in that fella (even though he wreaks terrible havoc on those *bunnies*.. lol!) ;) We enjoyed our short time today at conference, and Keyde's was wonderfully YUM. -T
