Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pin cushion exchange

Tuesday night was Missouri River Quilt Guild meeting. They were having a pin cushion exchange. If you wanted to participate, you brought your pin cushion in a brown paper bag, making sure your name was on the inside.

This is the one I made.  It was stuffed with poly-fil. 

I also made a few for some of my eggxactly special quilting friends, such as Alvyne (who is blogless and was my guest last night), my long arm quilter Brenda (who is also blogless and almost computerless), Gerry @  GerryART, Nancy @ With thread in hand, Claire @ Two Draft Mom, and her Mother in law (these two were a no show). It was fun seeing their faces when they opened their little brown bags.

This is the one I won. It was made by Betty. She told me afterwards it was stuffed with walnut shells. She had seen us pinching it at the table while trying to figure out what was in it. Most of us thought it was rice. She says if you use walnut shells, buy them at the pet store as they are much cheaper there.

One of neat stories of the night was a pin cushion made into the shape of a mud hut in Africa.  It had a tag on it by the maker Betty, about being raised in a mud hut. It was an inspiring story to see her come such a long way. She will add much to the organization. I for one, can't wait to see the fabrics in her quilts. 


  1. For me? So sad I missed it! I had a friend come into town and Vivian had a party to go to. Can't wait to see the pics from Anna Marie for all the quilts. Hope to be there in July. Claire

  2. What a fun thing to do! I love the embroidered bird and the story of the mud hut. I saw those eggs earlier this week on someone's blog and thought they were so cute - I'm glad to see someone else make them. Maybe they aren't too hard? blessings, marlene

  3. This is so cool! Were they all as cool as the one you made and the one you received? Can't wait to see and hear more.

  4. Sounds like a fun meeting. How long as the Missouri River Quilt Guild been in existence? Just curious.

  5. You are eggxactly wonderful.
    My Mr Egg in this photo
    is in the second row from the bottom
    on the right.
    I'd recognize him anywhere, any time

    hugs eggsactly for you
