Monday, July 9, 2012

Stalled . . .

I have always loved coleus. My Mom grew them when I was younger. 

So I found it very rewarding when my daughter Sarah picked them out for her wedding bouquet. Better yet she didn't even know the history behind them.

So this year in honor of her first wedding anniversary I planted them in the front bed. Despite record breaking high temperatures, and lack of rain, they seem to be doing well.

They almost remind me of a heart.
I show you flowers because I can't sew. My Elna was taken to the hospital last Wednesday. Gosh do I miss that gal. Maybe they will call tomorrow and tell me she is well. Unfortunately I have to work all day. The hospital is about 30 miles away, not like it's a lunch hour trip.

I have sewing to do, a quilt to finish machine quilting, and then binding. I have two or more pot holders to make for my quilt guild exchange next Tuesday. There's at least one pair of jeans to be repaired for the blacksmith. I'm hoping for a quick recovery!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was using my hubby's computer, LOL, he's the "Political Curmudgeon" ~ what I said was, aren't you a wonderful mom for doing that for your daughter, especially in that heat!

  3. Sorry to hear about your ill Elna. Hope she recovers quickly. I know I'd be lost without a sewing machine, but now that I have several Featherweights as backup, I'm not worried.! Very pretty flowers.

  4. That is the first time I have seen coleus in a bridal bouquet--it's beautiful!

    I hope Elna gets well soon.

  5. I hope your sweet Elna doesn't go the route of my Big Brother. He was in the hospital for over three weeks! Sending get well wishes!

    And I love the coleus in the bridal bouquet!

  6. Your coleus is beautiful, and I love the sentiment behind it. I sometimes plant it, and should have this year. I noticed my mom's coleus was doing great too in spite of the heat. Here's to a speedy recovery for Elna! -Tammy

  7. Your coleus are beautiful! From what I've read, they thrive in warm temperatures (as long as they have some shade, too.)

    Good luck with your machine!

  8. The coleus are so pretty! Did you take your baby to the Top Stitch Hospital? Hope it is repaired soon!

  9. Your coleus are indeed beautiful and do resemble a heart. How cute.
    Thanks for letting me know that you tried the cookies. Glad you enjoyed them.
    Hope little Elna is home soon :).

  10. A lot of things are stressed this year...but that coleus is beautiful! So sorry to 'hear' of the hospitalization! Hope the treatment is too $$$....hugs, D

  11. Oops....meant "isn't" too $$$! Think it's time for some sleep!-D

  12. That is one of the most beautiful bridal bouquets I have ever seen. Gorgeous!
    Hope your machine recovers quickly. It's so hard when our good friends are sick. ;)

  13. Please, tell me the Pot Holder is in August, not this coming week.


  14. Patti and Gerry,
    The potholder exchange is in August so you both have time to finish your potholders without too much stress.
