Tuesday, July 31, 2012

To Lesterville and back.

I've been away from blog land for a few days. 

This is where I spent a couple of days. 

I watched this handsome blacksmith give a couple of demonstrations.

A few more handsome guys joined in on the demonstrations. You can read more about our visit at Osage Bluff Blacksmith blog.   As you will read, things were priced for sale at this shop. 

We found this small lidded crock.  It didn't look this nice when it was uncovered from layers of coal dust and spider webs.  I took a steel wool pad and scrubbed rust off the bottom of it.

This old minnow trap was found too. After a little research we believe this to be a wired frame Joy model. This particular model was made by the Johnson company. They were manufactured between the years of 1930 to 1960. 

This #7 Wagner griddle was not among the hidden treasures. It was a gift from Scott, a  blacksmith from our organization. He loves cast iron as much as I do. Scott knew I was wanting a small griddle for my camper. Thanks Scott!! 

I will leave you with this smile. Because as of today, we now know if we are having a granddaughter or  grandson. But until the new parents to be make their announcement, Lizzie's lips are sealed!


  1. Lizzie is so cute and I hope those sealed lips work!! Love your "finds". Always exciting to uncover those treasures. That small griddle is awesome!! I, too, am a lover of all things cast iron. So many uses. My fave, at the moment, is my covered 5 qt kettle that I have been baking artisan bread in....canNOT be beat!! Hugs, Doreen

  2. Lizzie is so cute, and getting so big! And a new one coming? Congrats! I don't know much about the brands and numbers of the cast iron, other than that I love my cast iron. And I'm having some serious griddle envy. I keep watching the thrift stores and garage sale in the area.........

  3. Too cute about Lizzie's lips being sealed. It has been a busy time for you guys. I love my cast iron too.

  4. Love all your treasures, especially the griddle...love that cast iron:)!

    Lizzie looks like the cat who caught the canary!!!
