Monday, September 17, 2012

Heritage Festival 2012

What a great time we had at the festival this year. This picture was taken just after we set up before the event began.  Saturday's crowd was great, but Sunday's was even better. 

We got to visit with so many old friends. Several members of our blacksmith group came by to visit. Thanks Tom and Dana, Ned and Esther, Mike and Nancy, Don and Martha, and Mara and Jill.

One thing that I never got tired of were the little ones with their faces beautifully painted  by two artists. 

Here is Ella, the granddaughter of my friends, Margie and Phil.  It was so great to finally meet her parents, Martin and Donnell in person.  (Phil is also a blacksmith)

Ms. Linley's face matched her purple shirt. Her grandmother is Mara, who gave me the wonderful vintage Elna sewing machine two weeks ago. Linley's grand dad was a blacksmith too. 

The blacksmith kept busy  hammering  all day long, both days.  We had a continuous crowd of spectators.

Sunday, our grandsons came by to help out. Thanks boys!

The boys and their mother (in the bright pink shirt) went to listen to Jim Two Crows. 

Our friend Scott (who gave me the sweet small Wagner griddle and who also happens to be a blacksmith), demonstrated his primitive bread baking skills. We were lucky enough to be the recipient of several loaves!  In fact we made toast with it this morning and had some with our dinner tonight. Thanks Scott.

We couldn't have asked for better weather. The company and the sales were great.

Life is good.


  1. Thanks for the great photos and virtual tour of the Heritage Festival. Sad not to be there this year.. and the weather turned out perfect for it! It really is a wonderful event, and we hope to be there next year to enjoy!! -Tammy

  2. I don't know what happened, but I got an Oops! Error! page,so I don't think my comment went through.

    I am glad you had a good time.

  3. That festival is always a lot of fun. You guys are such an important part of it and of keeping the art of blacksmithing alive! You definitely had some good help there.

  4. One of these days, I am coming to this event! I love things made of iron, and will be needing some stuff for my new deck!!! Keep me up to date with upcoming events, you never know when I will treck my way to MO!

  5. Wow, does that look like a great time!! and so informational, too! Glad the weather was on its best behavior!!!

  6. Our weekend was such a bust that I wish we'd come your way instead. Is it always the third weekend of September? I need to get it on my calendar now so I don't plan something else instead.

    I saw on FB that someone mentioned Warsaw Heritage Days to you. Here's the LINK, but I don't think the web page does the event justice.

    Warsaw is where I grew up. I don't go back for this every year, but it's worth going to now and then. The "good stuff" (the 1800s demos) are on the bluff, while the modern crafts are downtown.

  7. I love shows like this, and you had such handsome booth helpers. Yummm on that bread!
    That pottery on my post is "Wisconsin Pottery", but I am familiar with Rowe.
